Valdemar Wiki

Herald Anda was probably not very young[1] during his last year or so at the Collegium when magic returned to Valdemar. His Mage Gift was discovered and he began training as a Herald-Mage with Treyvan. He was grouped with another trainee, Chass, and three Heralds--Rafe, Brion and Kelsy--to do something about the chaotic weather caused by the unexpected foundation of the Node in the Royal Palace at Haven.

Years later, when Selenay decided to permanently station Herald-Mages at various locations around Valdemar, Anda was assigned to k'Valdemar Vale with Herald Shandi as his assistant.

Anda and Shandi's arrival coincided with several other celebrations designed to both celebrate K'Valdemar's new position as a nexus for several cultures and establish relative positions of power. Fortunately, Anda was a diplomatic sort of person, more interested in getting to know his new situation than in trying to establish dominance. However, his own experience of mind-magic led to a bit of overconfidence in some areas. When he asked Tyrsell to give him five languages at once, he ended up unconscious and bleeding from the nose so that Tyrsell had to call for medical aid.[2]

Shandi says of Herald Anda and how the two of them received the assignment to k'Valdemar: "He's a lot like your Starfall, Darian. Very dry sense of humor, but it goes deep. He took to dragging me around with him socially, once he knew I wasn't going to embarrass him, so I got to know the gryphons and some of the other ambassadors. We got on so well that they waited until I had my Whites and sent us both, so I could coach him on local politics and customs while I learn about how to be a diplomat."[3]

Herald Anda is described "in late middle age, brown hair generously streaked with gray, and his weathered face as wrinkled as any shepherd’s of the same age. He was in perfect health and excellent condition, however." [1]


His Companion is the stallion Eran.


Anda has the Mage-Gift, as was determined in his last year or so at the Collegium.

In the series[]

Anda appears in the following works:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Owlknight, Chapter Five
  2. Owlknight, Chapter Eight
  3. Owlknight, Chapter Seven