Valdemar Wiki

Basilisks are large lizard-shaped creatures left over from the Mage Wars. History says they were a failed experiment, but they lived on, laying about [1] They can freeze a target with their stare, are impervious to magical attacks, and can survive extremely serious wounds. They are "stupid, incredibly dangerous, and ravenous carnivores who would eat anything that couldn't run away from them."[2] Fortunately, they only lay two or three fertile eggs during their whole life.[1]

No one wants to kill a basilisk if they don't have to. In addition to being very difficult to kill, the stench of a rotting basilisk carcass is horrible. More importantly, they fulfill a specific niche in the ecosystem. Basilisks are primarily scavengers, and are the only creatures that will eat a dead wyrsa or cold-drake.[2]

The Tayledras use persuasion to move a basilisk to a new location away from humans. However, it requires a dozen people, and some always get injured. Elspeth and Darkwind encounter a basilisk in its lair with a full stomach, and have to get it out in the open to be herded. A basilisk is torpid when it is cold with a full stomach, but if warmed up will start hunting. Elspeth came up with a two-pronged attack to drive the basilisk out of its shelter. They used magic to make noise and to sharpen the rocks in its cave, making it uncomfortable. After getting it moving, Elspeth suggested using a ball of warmth to lure it forward to its new home.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Winds of Fate, Chapter 12
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Winds of Change, Chapter 9