Valdemar Wiki

This page serves as the complete, sortable list of Heralds and their Companions (if known), as well as unknown or unpartnered Companions.

Heralds, Companions, Gifts and Series[]

Herald Position Companion Gift Series/Story
Adan "A Herald's Journey"
Adouin Nia "Weight of a Hundred Eyes"
Adreal Claris "Fog of War"
Aellele Calot Tases "Passage at Arms"
Alain Prince Vedalia Animal Mindspeech "Out of the Deep"
Alara Princess "Out of the Deep"
Alberich Weaponsmaster Kantor "Silver" ForeSight, Mindspeech The Heralds of Valdemar
Aldo The Exiles of Valdemar
Aldren Fetching Weaver Deira Miniseries
Alissa The Herald Spy
Alliana Monarch "In Burning Zones We Build Against the Sun"
Alma Herald Arville and Ryu Miniseries
Alton The Exiles of Valdemar
Alyise Donnel Herald Jors Miniseries
Amal Kyra Animal Mindspeakers Miniseries
Amily Monarch's Own Herald Rolan Wild Talent variant of Animal Mindspeech The Collegium Chronicles
Anda Herald-Mage Eran Mage-Gift The Mage Winds
Ander Harrow Lillia "Trance Tower Garrison"
Anders Monarch The Collegium Chronicles
Andros Toril The Last Herald-Mage
Andry Lochren Weaver Deira Miniseries
Anne "Winter Death"
Anselm Ashlen "Forget Me Never"
Anthea Leahleh "Finding Elvida"
Arald Naschenie Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Aramis Aoibheann "A Herald's Bag of Magic"
Arden Baker Tressa Miniseries
Arden Monarch Official Timeline - ruled Valdemar 1270 - 1315 AF alongside Queen Leesa
Ardra Envoy Feste ForeSight "Traded Places"
Aren The Exiles of Valdemar
Ariana Weaver Deira Miniseries
Ariel Ashkevron Darvena The Last Herald-Mage
Arif Weaver Kaysa Miniseries
Arnod The Mage Storms
Artero Collegium Teacher Brightly Burning
Arven Zaleka The Heralds of Valdemar
Arvil Graya ForeSight and weak FarSight Herald Arvil Miniseries
Arville Pelas Luck Herald Arville and Ryu Miniseries
Asher Mindspeech The Herald Spy
Astrid Elsinore "One Town at a Time"
Barrett Colby The Collegium Chronicles
Becka "Starhaven"
Bedwyn Monarch The Collegium Chronicles
Bekka Saradel Weaver Deira Miniseries
Beltran Monarch's Own Herald Kyrith The Founding of Valdemar
Beltren The Heralds of Valdemar
Beryl The Heralds of Valdemar
Bevins Collegium Teacher Herald Arville and Ryu Miniseries
"Bootknife" Herald-Spy Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Brekkan "Sunlancer"
Brion Herald-Mage Mage-Gift (Weather working) The Mage Winds
Bristol Idara "The Note"
Bronwen Ashkevron Rohanan "Widdershins"
Byren Dustin The Collegium Chronicles
Caelen Collegium Dean Peshta The Collegium Chronicles
Callan "The One Left Behind"
Candry Blackie Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Carlech Collegium Dean Herald Jors Miniseries
Carris Arana "Choice"
Cavil The Mage Winds
Cende The Collegium Chronicles
Cerys Tirithiel FarSight "With Sorrow and Joy"
Chalena Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Chalinel Monarch "Out of the Deep"
Challen Lukas Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Charis Brightly Burning
Charlin Elborik "Dreams of Mountain Clover"
Chass Herald-Mage Mage-Gift (Weather working) The Mage Winds
Chavi Tecla "Another Successful Experiment"
Christa Fetching The Heralds of Valdemar
Ciena Tani Redhaired Twins Miniseries
Cloudbrother (Tayledras) Abilard Sparrow and Cloudbrother Miniseries
Copeland Preen "Hearts Are Made for Mending"
Coroc The Heralds of Valdemar
Corry Rexla "Dreams of Mountain Clover"
Corwin The Collegium Chronicles
Coryn Selena FireStarting "Darkwall's Lady"
Damina Brightly Burning
Danilla Enara FireStarting "Fog of War"
Darenthallis Jadrevalyn "Daren" Prince-Consort Jasan Earthsense By the Sword
Daria Brightly Burning
Darren "A Darkling Light"
Darvi Herald-Mage FarSight, Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Daryann Mindspeech Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Davan FarSight The Heralds of Valdemar
Davos Heleganth "Wooden Horses"
Deckert Kadey Redhaired Twins Miniseries
Debda Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Deedre Herald-Mage Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Delia Valiance Fetching The Founding of Valdemar
Derrian "Derry" Brightly Burning
Destria Sofi The Heralds of Valdemar
Dethor Weaponsmaster Pahshen The Exiles of Valdemar
Dirk Ahrodie Fetching The Heralds of Valdemar
Dominick Herald-Mage Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Donni Herald-Mage Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Dorian Collegium Teacher Herald Jors Miniseries
Dorilyn The Last Herald-Mage
Drake Thought-sensing The Heralds of Valdemar
Edda Vardon Dustan "Needs Must When Evil Bides"
Edric The Heralds of Valdemar
Efrem "Another Successful Experiment"
Egil Cynara "Widdershins"
Eigen Rimlee "Fog of War"
Eiven Selim "Fog of War"
Elcarth Collegium Dean The Heralds of Valdemar
Eldan Ratha Mindspeech and Animal Mindspeech By the Sword
Elene Alrek Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Elfyn Muriel Ylladriel "The Note"
Elspeth Herald-Mage, Princess Gwena Mage-Gift, FarSight, and Mindspeech The Heralds of Valdemar
Elspeth Clever-handed Monarch The Heralds of Valdemar
Elspeth the Peacemaker Monarch The Last Herald-Mage
Elspeth the Wise Monarch The Heralds of Valdemar
Elvida Raynor Illusion (projecting mental images) "Finding Elvida"
Elyn Mayar Mindspeech Herald Arville and Ryu Miniseries
Emil Ainsworth Nythil Bardic Gift "A Herald's Duty"
Enna Keria Identifying Gifts in others "On the Other Side"
Erek Ranwellen Deanara Mindspeech "War Cry"
Erica Raya Herald Jors Miniseries
Evan Collegium Teacher Jolene ForeSight Brightly Burning
Evita Camayo "The Education of Evita"
Farnten Fetching The Collegium Chronicles
Fedor FarSight Brightly Burning
Fenris Mindspeech The Herald Spy
Ferrin The Herald Spy
Ferris Ainsworth Syr "A Herald's Duty"
Finny Fetching The Collegium Chronicles
Fiona Domar Healer Shia Miniseries
Fiz "Another Successful Experiment"
Fyllia Brightly Burning
Fyllis Monarch Empathy Brightly Burning
Galen Weaver Deira Miniseries
Garaval Nienna Mindspeech and Foresight Weaver Deira Miniseries
Garet Barns "Trance Tower Garrison"
Gaurane Rhoses Wild Talent Distance Hearing "In Burning Zones We Build Against the Sun"
Gennie Joy Mindspeech The Collegium Chronicles
Gerd Lord Martial’s Herald The Herald Spy
Gerick The Heralds of Valdemar
Gerick Field internship counselor The Heralds of Valdemar
Gerond The Heralds of Valdemar
Gildi Fidele "Another Successful Experiment"
Gisel Monarch's Own Herald Arlen "Winter Death"
Gonwyn Rath "Fog of War"
Grav "Another Successful Experiment"
Graylan Yinna Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Gregori Prince Rodri Empathy "Winter Death"
Griffon Lord Marshal's Herald Harevis "Farist" FireStarting The Heralds of Valdemar
Gwanwyn Herald-Mage Mage-Gift "A Song for No One's Mourning"
Hadrin "A Herald's Journey"
Halleck Hack The Collegium Chronicles
Harrow Lekaron The Exiles of Valdemar
Harthen The Heralds of Valdemar
Hedric Lord Marshal's Herald The Heralds of Valdemar
Helene Myron "A Dream Reborn"
Helgara Stonas Lady Cera Miniseries
Holly Fetching "A Herald's Journey"
Imra Saelihn "Tools of the Trade"
Inya Thea "A Child's Adventures"
Isabel Calida Herald Jors Miniseries
Isabelle Yerger Ilythyrra Mindspeech "Puppies and Ponies"
Isak "Darkwall's Lady"
Isla Valdemar Monarch, Herald-Mage Dendalin Mage-Gift, Mindspeech The Founding of Valdemar
Isten Brightly Burning
Ivy Watchmen Miniseries
Jacinth The Herald Spy
Jadus Fortunea Mindspeech (Thought-sensing) and Bardic Gift The Heralds of Valdemar
Jahan Trevor The Exiles of Valdemar
Jakyr Jermayan The Collegium Chronicles
Jalay Aubryn (survived Jalay's death a week after she Chose him) Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Janis Herald Jors Miniseries
Jaysen Kondre Seneschal's Herald, Herald-Mage Felar Mage-Gift and Healing The Last Herald-Mage
Jedin Monarch's Own Herald Rolan Brightly Burning
Jennet Inar Herald Jors Miniseries
Jered Family Spies
Jeri Weaponsmaster's Second The Heralds of Valdemar
Jeris Halath "Medley"
Jess Weaver Kaysa Miniseries
Jillian The Heralds of Valdemar
Jinnia Herald Arvil Miniseries
Jirkin Brightly Burning
Jisa Monarch's Own Herald, Monarch Taver Empathy and Mindspeech The Last Herald-Mage
Johen The Mage Storms
Jolsten Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Jonaton "A Herald's Journey"
Jonotan Brightly Burning
Joson "Hearts Are Made for Mending"
Joral Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Jordwen Darrian "Icebreaker"
Jors Gervis Herald Jors Miniseries
Josef "The Note"
Joshel Seneschal's Herald Kimbry Mindspeech The Last Herald-Mage
Josin "Hearts Are Made for Mending"
Joss Lilliard Fetching "Intrigue in Althor"
Josswyn Dashell Mindspeech Bard Bruny Miniseries
Josten Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Joyeaus Empathy The Exiles of Valdemar
Judaia Brayth "A Herald's Honor"
Juni Monarch's Own Herald, Herald-Mage Jastev Mindspeech, Empathy Mage-Gift "Starhaven"
Justen Herald-Mage Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Kade Leena Mindspeech, Healing Kyree Nwah Miniseries
Kal The Collegium Chronicles
Kalen Mala "One Town at a Time"
Karinda Arissa Wild talent ability to be forgotten "Forget Me Never"
Kat The Last Herald-Mage
Katen Princess "Out of the Deep"
Kath Kyree Nwah Miniseries
Katiana "Kat" Princess Dylia Family Spies
Kayla Weaponsmaster The Last Herald-Mage
Kayla Grayson Darius Empathy "Winter Death"
Kedd Animal Mindspeech Brightly Burning
Keighvin Monarch's Own Herald Taver The Exiles of Valdemar
Keliana Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Kelsy Herald-Mage Mage-Gift (Weather working) The Mage Winds
Kelyn Coryn "Twice Blessed"
Kem "Another Successful Experiment"
Kemoc The Heralds of Valdemar
Kenso Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Kentith Ravenblack not mentioned "Blood Ties"
Kera The Last Herald-Mage
Keren Dantris The Heralds of Valdemar
Kerina Errol Healer Serril Miniseries
Kerit Touchreading The Herald Spy
Kerowyn Weaponsmaster, Captain Sayvil Mindspeech By the Sword
Keth're'son shena Tale'sedrin Herald-Mage Yssandra Mage Keth're'son Miniseries
Kevran Collegium Teacher Herald Arvil Miniseries
Kiela Brightly Burning
Kilchas Herald-Mage Rohan Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Kindo Sjien Projective Mindspeech Healer Shia Miniseries
Kiril Monarch Mindspeech The Collegium Chronicles
Kole Prince "Out of the Deep
Kordas Valdemar Monarch, Herald-Mage Ardatha Mage-Gift The Founding of Valdemar
Kris Tantris "Featherfoot" FarSight and Mindspeech (unidentified Mage-Gift) The Heralds of Valdemar
Kristen Princess "Out of the Deep"
Kulen Mindspeech The Exiles of Valdemar
Kyndri Herald Chronicler The Last Herald-Mage
Kyril Seneschal's Herald The Heralds of Valdemar
Lagan Hal Wild Talent versions of FarSight and Fetching "Boundaries"
Laika Herald-Spy The Exiles of Valdemar
Lancir Herald-Mage, Monarch's Own Herald Taver Mage-Gift, Mindhealing and Thought-sensing The Last Herald-Mage
Lara Weaver Kaysa Miniseries
Laurel Empathy Herald Arville and Ryu Miniseries
Lavan Chitward "Lavan Firestorm" Kalira FireStarting Brightly Burning
Lavenna "Vixen" Princess "Out of the Deep"
Ledale The Exiles of Valdemar
Leesa Monarch Official Timeline - ruled Valdemar 1270 - 1315 AF alongside King Arden
Lerek "A Herald's Journey"
Lerrys Brightly Burning
Leshia Monarch The Last Herald-Mage
Letia Drayl "Medley"
Leveret Seneschal's Herald The Herald Spy
Liam Orser The Last Herald-Mage
Lilibeth Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Lioran Mila Redhaired Twins Miniseries
Lisabet Morningsong Herald-Mage Raal Mage-Gift "Blood Ties"
Lisandra Touchreading Weaver Deira Miniseries
Lisha The Mage Winds
Lisle Tamay Mage-Gift "Dawn of Sorrows"
Lissandra Herald-Mage Shonsea Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Lochri Weaver Deira Miniseries
Lora FarSight The Herald Spy
Lores Jenna Fetching The Last Herald-Mage
Lorin "The Note"
Lubonne Carthea "The Reluctant Herald"
Lurias Collegium teacher Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Lyle Rivan Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Lyle The Herald Spy
Lynal Muriel Ylladriel ForeSight "The Note"
Lyris "Choice"
Lysle The Mage Storms
Lythe Shadowdancer Animal Mindspeech The Founding of Valdemar
Maelyn "Puppies and Ponies"
Maglia Elyth "Hearts Are Made for Mending"
Mags Herald-Spy Dallen Mindspeech, Thought-sensing and Empathy The Collegium Chronicles
Malken Hayka ForeSight Brightly Burning
Mara Sparrow and Cloudbrother Miniseries
Marak Lord Marshal's Herald Brightly Burning
Mardic Herald-Mage Fortin Mage-Gift and Fetching The Last Herald-Mage
Marga Mindspeech The Herald Spy
Marion Weaponsmaster The Collegium Chronicles
Marjom Hannra Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Marli Taren FarSight and Fetching Herald Marli Miniseries
Marlys Kellen "Change of Life"
Martin Tirithran "A Herald's Honor"
Mathias Herald-Mage Lytha Mage-Gift "Rebirth"
Mavry The Heralds of Valdemar
Mellie Layelle Mindspeech and Mage-Gift Healer Serril Miniseries
Melly Collegium Teacher Brightly Burning
Menalus Celamir The Founding of Valdemar
Merissa Lengstin The Founding of Valdemar
Mical Eloran Touchreading The Exiles of Valdemar
Mieran Frind Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Mikel Family Spies
Milla Sorcha Mage-Gift, Mindspeech, ForeSight "Written in the Wind"
Millissa Destin "The Simple Gifts"
Mira Bryn Fisher Petril Miniseries
Mirilin Estan The Exiles of Valdemar
Mola Melahar "Dreams of Mountain Clover"
Mona Brightly Burning
Morevon Elath "Fog of War"
Myste Herald Chronicler Aleirian Mindspeech The Exiles of Valdemar
Nadja Monarch's Own Herald Jastev "Starhaven"
Narvil Mindspeech The Collegium Chronicles
Nathen The Heralds of Valdemar
Navar Tisarand Mindspeech "For Want of a Nail"
Navene Watchmen Miniseries
Neave Kyldathar Projection The Heralds of Valdemar
Nerissa "Nessa" The Heralds of Valdemar
Nerys  Coryn "Twice Blessed"
Nikko "Going Home"
Niko Prince Rufina Family Spies
Nikolas Monarch's Own Herald, Herald-Spy Rolan (first Companion of Nikolas) Mindspeech and Empathy The Collegium Chronicles
Nikolas Herald-Spy, former Monarch's Own Herald Evory (second Companion of Nikolas) Mindspeech and Empathy The Herald Spy
Niniyel Teroshan "Horse of Air"
Nuala Baker Tressa Miniseries
Orun Torin Mage-Gift, Mindspeech, ForeSight "Written in the Wind"
Orven Herald-Spy The Exiles of Valdemar
Osberic The Exiles of Valdemar
Owen Lia Mage-Gift (likely) "Reborn"
Palonia Herald-Mage Mage-Gift (Weather working) The Founding of Valdemar
Parthen Collegium Dean The Herald Spy
Paula Loden Redhaired Twins Miniseries
Patris The Heralds of Valdemar
Paynim Herald-Spy Shavanne, deceased Minor Mindspeech, trace of Empathy "Horse of Air"
Peled The Exiles of Valdemar
Pell Herald Marli Miniseries
Pelsin The Heralds of Valdemar
Peri "A Midwinter's Gift"
Petril Mindspeech, Empathy, trace of Healing Fisher Petril Miniseries
Petrin Serrin Herald Jors Miniseries
Pippin "Pip" Litri The Collegium Chronicles
Pol Satiran All Gifts Brightly Burning
Polety Monarch's Own Herald "Anything, With Nothing"
Premlor Lady Cera Miniseries
Presen By the Sword
Pretor The Last Herald-Mage
Rafe Herald-Mage FarSight and Mage-Gift The Mage Winds
Rafe Orella ForeSight "Out of Bounds"
Rana The Mage Winds
Randale Monarch Esten The Last Herald-Mage
Rashi The Collegium Chronicles
Ravinia Sheiteny Mindspeech and Animal Mindspeech The Exiles of Valdemar
Regen The Last Herald-Mage
Reeve Juny ForeSight "All Around the Bell Tower"
Reneth Bolan "Beyond the Fires"
Restil Monarch Steladar/Darshay Mage-Gift The Founding of Valdemar
Rinton Linx Animal Mindspeech Herald Rinton Miniseries
Rivin Morningsong Derdre Mage-Gift "Blood Ties"
Roald Monarch Vows and Honor
Robin The Herald Spy
Robin Dathus Animal Mindspeakers Miniseries
Rod Herald Arville and Ryu Miniseries
Rojek Civera "A Herald's Journey"
Rolf likely Herald-Mage likely Mage-Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Rose Ardred "The Simple Gifts"
Rose Merry Wild Talent Strengthening Gifts in others Sparrow and Cloudbrother Miniseries
Rothas Sunsinger Bardic Gift The Founding of Valdemar
Rotherven The Exiles of Valdemar
Rubrik Laylan The Mage Storms
Ryvial The Exiles of Valdemar
Ryvik Sersein Myriil Fartouching (variant of Touchreading) "BloodLines"
Sai Mindspeech The Herald Spy
Samina (Samira) Clyton Animal Mindspeakers Miniseries
Santar Orrin "A Herald's Rescue"
Sara The Herald Spy
Sarah Tavin "Reborn"
Savil Ashkevron Herald-Mage Kellan Mage-Gift and Mindspeech The Last Herald-Mage
Sedric Monarch Mindspeech The Collegium Chronicles
Sela Elys "Out of Bounds"
Seldasen The Last Herald-Mage
Selenay Monarch Caryo ForeSight, Mindspeech The Heralds of Valdemar
Selte Cerilka Herald Marli Miniseries
Selwin Special Messenger The Mage Winds
Sendar Monarch Lorenil Mindspeech The Exiles of Valdemar
Seth Family Spies
Setham Archer The Collegium Chronicles
Settel Mori Herald Syrriah Miniseries
"Shadow" Herald-Spy Pilane "Blue Heart"
Shallan The Last Herald-Mage
Shanate The Exiles of Valdemar
Shanda The Exiles of Valdemar
Shandi Alder Karles Empathy and ForeSight Darian's Tale
Shane Trayne Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Sharissa Brightly Burning
Sharylle Tabner "Finding Elvida"
Shavri Monarch's Own Herald, Healer Taver Healing The Last Herald-Mage
Shendra Niloh "The Companion Sting"
Sherrill Silkswift The Heralds of Valdemar
Shia Herald-Healer Eodan Healing Healer Shia Miniseries
Shion The Mage Winds
Shorna Herald Jors Miniseries
Skif Cymry The Heralds of Valdemar
Sofia "Fi" Family Spies
Sofya Herald Courier Gavis The Last Herald-Mage
Sorald Animal Mindspeech The Collegium Chronicles
Sorcha Elissa "Fog of War"
Starbird k'Vesla Radiant The Founding of Valdemar
Stedrel Lovell Mindspeech "Out of the Deep"
Stela Family Spies
Stev Mindspeech Family Spies
Sylvan Collegium Teacher The Heralds of Valdemar
Syrriah Cefylla Empathy Herald Syrriah Miniseries
Tadeus Jocile Mindspeech "Anything, With Nothing"
Tafri Tallyman Adelayan Mindspeech "A Herald's Journey"
Talamir Monarch's Own Herald Taver (first Companion of Talamir) The Heralds of Valdemar
Talamir Monarch's Own Herald Rolan (second Companion of Talamir) The Heralds of Valdemar
Talia Sensdaughter Monarch's Own Herald Rolan Empathy The Heralds of Valdemar
Talia Sensdaughter Monarch's Own Herald Evalie (imaginary) Empathy The Heralds of Valdemar
Tamver The Founding of Valdemar
Tamis Verati Herald Jors Miniseries
Tamlin Illusion The Collegium Chronicles
Tammas Mik The Exiles of Valdemar
Tanivel "Vel" Prince, Heir "Out of the Deep"
Tansy Meri Animal Mindspeech Animal Mindspeakers Miniseries
Tantras "Tran" Delian Mindspeech The Last Herald-Mage
Tarlin FarSight The Herald Spy
Tarron Lark Weaver Kaysa Miniseries
Tashir Remoerdis Baron Leshya "Ghost" Fetching, Mindspeech The Last Herald-Mage
Tavis "Passage at Arms"
Tavist Monarch The Last Herald-Mage
Tayn Aislin Watchmen Miniseries
Tedric The Heralds of Valdemar
Temon Kiellie The Founding of Valdemar
Teo Trinelan "Trin" Healer Shia Miniseries
Terek Coryander "True Colors"
Teren Collegium Dean Wythra The Heralds of Valdemar
Terilee Monarch The Last Herald-Mage
Terrik Herald Jors Miniseries
Tevar Brightly Burning
Theela The Exiles of Valdemar
Theodren Cheric The Exiles of Valdemar
Theran Monarch Brightly Burning
Thistle "Tis" Milini Sparrow and Cloudbrother Miniseries
Tobin Gaela Mindspeech "Healing Home"
Tomar Keesha Empathy "Be Careful What You Wish For"
Torec Mage-Gift "Down the Line"
Tory Elissa FarSight Family Spies
Trefina "True Colors"
Treven Monarch Eren The Last Herald-Mage
Trevor Seneschal's Herald Brightly Burning
Trey Prince, Heir Lyspeth Family Spies
Triana The Exiles of Valdemar
Tuck Chester Dacerie Brightly Burning
Tuli The Heralds of Valdemar
Tully The Collegium Chronicles
Turag Lord Marshal's Herald Adan Brightly Burning
Tylendel Frelennye Herald-Mage Gala Mage-Gift, Mindspeech (Thought-sensing), Empathy, and Fetching The Last Herald-Mage
Tyrdel Monarch The Last Herald-Mage
Tyria "A Midwinter's Gift"
Uli Norton Sillvrenniel Fetching "With Sorrow and Joy"
Valean Saneel "Fog of War"
Vanyel Ashkevron Herald-Mage Yfandes Mage-Gift, Mindspeech (Thought-sensing and Projecting), ForeSight, Fetching, FarSight, Empathy, FireStarting, and Bardic Gift The Last Herald-Mage
Vera Monarch "Rebirth"
Vess Herald-Mage Kestric Mindspeech, Empathy, Mage-Gift "Starhaven"
Vidar Baker Tressa Miniseries
Vostel The Heralds of Valdemar
Watsen The Herald Spy
Werda Collegium Teacher The Heralds of Valdemar
Wernar Brightly Burning
Wethes Herald-Spy The Exiles of Valdemar
Wil Vehs Foresight, Pastsight, Touchreading Wil and Lelia Miniseries
Willowby The Herald Spy
Willy The Hills Have Spies
Windrider Darshay "Windrider Unchained"
Witman Juniper Foresight Elderly Heralds Miniseries
Wolf FarSight The Collegium Chronicles
Wrenlet Lada Brightly Burning
Wulf Seeing The Heralds of Valdemar
Wulgra The Last Herald-Mage
Ylsa Special Messenger Felara The Heralds of Valdemar
Yvan Seneschal's Herald The Herald Spy
Yvanda The Collegium Chronicles
Zama Sparrow and Cloudbrother Miniseries
(unknown - reminiscence of Herald Tamis) Arrin Herald Jors Miniseries
(unpartnered - formerly Jalay, who passed away; volunteered with Herald Wil and Ivy) Aubryn Companion Aubryn has broadcast Mindspeech and the Fetching Gift Wil and Lelia Miniseries
(unpartnered) Ayen "The Companion Sting"
(unpartnered - one of Yfandes' foals) Dancer The Last Herald-Mage
(unpartnered - one of Yfandes' foals) Megwyn The Last Herald-Mage
(unpartnered - rode with Healer Kevrel with tragic consequences) Dameo Healer Shia Miniseries
(unpartnered) Idry The Mage Storms
(unknown) Jandal The Exiles of Valdemar
(unpartnered) Jasker The Exiles of Valdemar
(unpartnered) Kayka The Mage Storms
(unknown) Kitri The Collegium Chronicles
(unpartnered) Sartra The Mage Storms
(unpartnered) Senta The Mage Storms
(unknown) Seraf The Herald Spy
(unpartnered - carried Prince Kee to border) Tariday Family Spies
(unpartnered - "assigned" to assist Sunpriest Karal Austreben Florian The Mage Storms
(unnamed brother of Sedric) Prince Darly The Herald Spy
(unnamed infant) Vesily "Finding the Way"
(unnamed King's Own) Monarch's Own Herald Domar Healer Shia Miniseries