- A Bard by Any Other Name
- A Bellowing of Bullfinches
- A Bouquet of Gifts, or The Culinary Adventures of Rork
- A Brand from the Burning
- A Brother's Promise
- A Change of Heart
- A Charm of Finches
- A Child's Adventures
- A Clutter of Cats
- A Cry of Hounds
- A Darkling Light
- A Day's Work
- A Dragon in Distress
- A Dream Deferred
- A Dream Reborn
- A Fire in the Grass
- A Gift of Courage
- A Healer's Work
- A Herald's Bag of Magic
- A Herald's Duty
- A Herald's Honor
- A Herald's Journey
- A Herald's Rescue
- A Leash of Greyhounds
- A Love That's Meant to Be
- A Lovely Young Man
- A Midnight Clear
- A Midwinter's Gift
- A Nursery of Raccoons
- A Perfect Day in Valdemar
- A Ruler's Gift
- A Serious Business
- A Siege of Cranes
- A Small Quarrel
- A Song for No One's Mourning
- A Storytelling of Crows
- A Tale of Heroes
- A Tangle of Truths
- A Time for Prayer
- A Travelers' Guide to Valdemar and the Surrounding Kingdoms
- A Trip of Goats
- A Wake of Vultures
- A Woman's Weapon
- Aaron
- Abi
- Abilard
- Abolon
- Abyssal Plane Elemental
- Acabarrin
- Acceptable Losses
- Adair
- Adan (companion)
- Adan (herald)
- Adele
- Adem
- Aderin
- Ado Larsh
- Adric
- Adrun (aunt)
- Adrun (healer)
- Advice to Would-be Heroes
- Advice to Young Magicians
- Aed Karlan
- Aelyn
- Affi
- Afrinn
- After Midnight (short story)
- After Midnight (song)
- Agedia
- Ager
- Agneta
- Agnetha
- Agnira
- Agnoma
- Agrun
- Ah'kela
- Ahkhan
- Ahrodie
- Aiden Dann
- Aiken
- Aislynn
- Aisosa
- Aksel
- Alain
- Alara
- Albain Tandarek
- Albayah
- Alberdina
- Alberich
- Alderscroft
- Aldon
- Aldren
- Aleirian
- Alena
- Alessandar
- Alfred
- Algott
- Alisse Callan
- Alistair
- All-heal
- All Around the Bell Tower
- All the Ages of Man
- Allegra
- Alliana
- Alliance
- Allin
- Allison Bailey
- Alma
- Alonz
- Alrek
- Alse
- Altra
- Altvar Confederation
- Alvee
- Alyise
- Alys
- Amal
- Amaly
- Amba-resin
- Amberdrake
- Amberlight
- Amberwing
- Ambon
- Amelie (bard)
- Amelie (child)
- Amelie (disambiguation)
- Amelie (mother)
- Amily
- Ammari
- An'desha
- An Enchantment of Nightingales
- An Omniscience of Godwits
- An Ostentation of Peacocks
- An Unexpected Guest
- Ananda Pellard
- Anara
- Anathei
- Anberg
- Ancar
- Anda
- Andaran
- Ander Harrow
- Andi
- Andra
- Andrean
- Andrel
- Androa Baireschild
- Andros
- Anduras River
- Anellie
- Angarsk
- Angela Penrose
- Anhita
- Animal Mindspeakers Miniseries
- Animal Mindspeech
- Annabet
- Annamarin
- Anne
- Annik
- Another Morning's Birth
- Another Successful Experiment
- Anthea Sharp
- Anvil's Close
- Anya
- Anything, With Nothing
- Anything with Nothing
- Aphrim Beddoes
- Appleby
- Arald
- Arana
- Arawell
- Arboli
- Arborn Hunting Cat
- Archer Chitward
- Ard Kilmer
- Ardana
- Ardatha
- Arden (herald)
- Aren
- Areshinn Hold
- Argonel
- Ari
- Aric (child)
- Aric (musician)
- Arkeyla
- Arlen
- Armor Hills
- Arnath Cormier
- Arnod
- Aroon
- Arrin
- Arrow's Fall
- Arrow's Flight (novel)
- Arrow's Flight (song)
- Arrow-Code
- Arrows of the Queen
- Artel
- Artero
- Artificer
- Artis Camlodon
- Arton
- Arvale Annexation
- Arved
- Arven (child)
- Arven (herald)
- Arvid
- Arvil
- Arville
- Asherbeg
- Ashkevron Manor
- Ashkevron family
- Assumptions for the Vows and Honor timeline
- Astera
- Astrid
- Athelnor
- Aubri
- Aubryn
- Aunty Minda
- Aurelia
- Autumnwing
- Avatar
- Avelard Family Traveling Show
- Awhani
- Aya
- Ayersmark
- Aysa
- Ayshen
- Ayver Alder
- Azill
- Azure-hart
- Azure Swan Theater
- Azurestar
- Babysitter
- Backet
- Bad Magic Day
- Baires
- Baker Tressa Miniseries
- Bakerston
- Bakken
- Balin
- Bard
- Bard Bruny Miniseries
- Bard Laureate
- Barda
- Bardi
- Bardic Circle
- Bardic Collegium
- Bardic Gift
- Bardic Immunity
- Barges
- Barlen
- Baron's Town
- Baron Tolm
- Barony of Lepodal
- Barret
- Barrowlan seam
- Bartom
- Baryl Longarm
- Basilisk
- Bassyl
- Bastion's Stone
- Bastion (disambiguation)
- Bastion (novel)
- Bastion (place)
- Battle Dawn
- Battle Tithe
- Battle of the Ice Wall
- Battlesteed
- Bayla
- Bazie
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- Beaker
- Bear
- Beast
- Beatrice
- Becka
- Beckor
- Beckwin
- Beebalm and Bergamot
- Beel
- Before a River Runs Through It
- Bel
- Belani
- Belinda
- Belinda Strand
- Bell's Valley
- Bella
- Bellia Shase
- Belton
- Beltran
- Beltren
- Ben Dotes
- Ben Ohlander
- Ben Smith
- Bendan
- Benderk
- Benjan
- Benlan Trayne
- Bennet
- Berda Lunge
- Bern
- Bernalise
- Berrybay
- Berte
- Berthelm
- Bertrand
- Beryl
- Bessa
- Bessie Taws
- Bestet
- Bet Micherone
- Bethtia
- Betta
- Bevins
- Bey
- Beyond
- Beyond Common Sense, She Persisted
- Beyond the Fires
- Bhobar
- Bill March
- Bill Roper
- Birce
- Bitteralm
- Black Angel mushrooms
- Black Bear Clan
- Black Riders
- Black Swan Inn
- Blacke Ewe Inn
- Blade of Desire
- Blind Desire
- Blind Leaps
- BloodLines
- Blood Bear Clan
- Blood Bear Shaman
- Blood Beast
- Blood Ties
- Blood magic
- Blue-feather
- Blue Boar Tavern
- Blue Heart
- Blue Mountains School
- Blueflower Hill
- Blues
- Bluethorn
- Boarsden