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The Shin'a'in are nomadic horsebreeders[1] living on the Dhorisha Plains. They live in tents, moving their herds from one grazing area to another. Their culture is bright and colorful, from their clothing to their storytelling and music. They are known as shrewd traders and excellent horsemen. They guard the Dhorisha Plains, and their name, Shin'a'in, means "People of the Plains."


The Shin'a'in have no true organization above that of a clan. However, each clan has a number of elders that deal with other clans. Shin'a'in are known by their name and clan; for example Tarma shena Tale'sedrin is Tarma of the Clan Tale'sedrin.

The Shin'a'in began with four clans, and others have grown from these. The four original clans are:

Other Clans include:

  • For'a'hier - Clan of the Firefalcon[3]
  • Jor'ethan - Clan of the Bear
  • Ne'vor'ison - Clan of the Long-Eared Hare[4]
  • Se've'la
  • Argo'i'tin
  • Fala'devor'i'an


Following the Cataclysm, the Kaled'a'in clans divided over the use of magic in an event known as the Sundering of the Clans. Those who chose to continue using magic became the Tayledras. Those who were against magic had no resources, with their homeland reduced to a gigantic crater. They performed the First Sacrifice to call upon their Goddess, the Star-Eyed, for aid. As the price of her aid, she required them to forever guard the magical weapons left over from the wars, buried in the crater. In return, she transformed the crater into a fertile grasslands, called the Dhorisha Plains, the Plains of Sacrifice. The clans became the Shin'a'in, the People of the Plains. Aside from the clan Shamans, the Shin'a'in do not allow magecraft. They don't want their people to be tempted to use the magical weapons. This balance remained for two thousand years, until the Mage Storms prompted the unearthing of the weapons in search of something that could blunt the destruction.


The mission to guard the remains of Urtho's weaponry dictate the expression of Gifts among the Shin'a'in. The use of Mage-Gift is limited to those sworn to their goddess in order to prevent the temptation to excavate the weapons. The other notable peculiarity is that all Shin'a'in, regardless of any other Gifts or talents, have a touch of Earthsense. It helps them to sense where the dangerous places are on the Plains, either to guard or to avoid.


The Shin'a'in are known for their high-quality horses, which they keep under guard on the Plains. They breed varieties of farm, saddle, trail and war horses (battlesteeds). The best of each are kept for the clan's use and to contribute to the breeding programs. The culls may be sold out of the Clans, which is a major source of income for the Shin'a'in. However, they are very picky about who they sell their horses to. In Shin'a'in culture, horses are considered part of the family. They are actually referred to as children of the Clan or siblings. The Shin'a'in will ignore all financial considerations in favor of placing one of their "children" in a good home.


Shin'a'in worship a goddess, called the Star-Eyed. She has four aspects, each tied to one of the four winds. Most priestly functions are fulfilled by the Shamans, who are allowed to work with magic within the bounds set out for them.

The other branch of religious service are the actual priests of the Clans, the Kal'enedral (Swordsworn) and the Scrollsworn. The warriors of the Kal'enedral are sworn to the Goddess of the South Wind, the Star-Eyed in her aspect as Warrior. Though mostly they serve as fighters, in their role as priests they have religious duties to fulfill. The Scrollsworn are pledged to the Star-Eyed in her aspect as Wisdom Keeper. Their primary duties involve keeping histories, such as maintaining the Webs of Time.

Notable Shin'a'in[]

See also[]


  1. Mercedes Lackey has said that the Shin'a'in are a combination of Plains Indians and Mongols. (Examples of Plains Indians of the United States: Apache, Comanche, Sioux.)
  2. Oathbreakers, Appendix Two: Songs and Poems: "Shin'a'in Warsong"
  3. "Wings of Fire" by Mercedes Lackey in Oathblood
  4. "Shin'a'inagins" by Mercedes Lackey in Shenanigans, Valdemar Anthology, volume 16
  5. Mage Keth're'son Miniseries
  6. Gryphon Hadara Miniseries