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"The Right Place" is a story in the Fisher Petril Miniseries by Louisa Swann.


Abandoned 8 year old apprentice Petril hides a Shin'a'in mare that was being horribly abused by a Haven nobleman. Out of resources, he launches a desperate plan to get help.


Characters appearing or mentioned in this story.

Main character[]

Major characters[]

  • Bella - an abused Shin'a'in mare
  • "Lord Fancy Pants" - an abusive unnamed Haven nobleman
  • Herald Mira
  • Companion Bryn

Minor characters[]

  • Sunfish - Bella's foal
  • Ben - a tall man who runs a stable in Haven
  • "Tall Man" - the abusive lord's accomplice

Referenced characters[]

  • Fritz - carter, Petril's master


Referenced places[]

See also[]
