The Queen has recalled all Heralds to Haven, and Companion-less Herald Imra leaves to avoid seeing them all. On the journey to Devin, she is diverted to the small town of Carnei, which is troubled because their irrigation water is being held hostage by Connak Errel.
Characters appearing or mentioned in this story.
Main character[]
- Herald Imra
Major characters[]
- Izli - Merelyn's helpful daughter
- Reyis Loraqen
- Merelyn - an inn owner and poor cook
- Aerus Carnhei -
- Connak Errel
Minor characters[]
- Bard-trainee Tarron - Imra's son
- Riduil Araric - blacksmith in Carnhei
- Simon Dod
- Goat - a servant at the Hold
Referenced characters[]
- Companion Saelihn - Imra's deceased Companion
- Telidji - Imra's pack horse
- Mouse - Imra's mare
Referenced places[]
- Restinn, Valdemar
- Endercott, Valdemar
- Polsim, Valdemar
- Briarley Crossing, Valdemar
- Devin, Valdemar - Imra's hometowm