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The Webs of Time are the Shin'a'in memory tapestries. They are housed in secret stone buildings in the center of the city of Kata'shin'a'in. They are located in nondescript buildings with glass roofs that allow the moonlight to activate the tapestries, while still keeping the ancient weavings safe. They are maintained and guarded by the Scrollsworn.[1]

The weavings contain the actual memories of past Shin'a'in, showing events such as the Cataclysm, the Sundering of the Clans and the First Sacrifice. When activated, the tapestries allow someone to relive the stored memories.[1]

Possibly related note[]

Tarma and Kethry visited a Clan Liha'irden shaman whose tent had a lot of hangings. She told them, "they are a written history of our people, written in a language all their own. It is a language so concise that one hundred years of history can be contained in a single hanging." She had almost fifty of them, which would be five thousand years, but the shaman explained that some dealt with the history of other peoples.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Winds of Fate (1991)
  2. The Oathbound (1988), Chapter 6